


半條命2:二部曲》(英語Half-Life 2,中國大陸譯作「半條命2:第二章」,港台譯作「戰慄時空2:二部曲」)是美國Valve公司開發的第一人稱射擊遊戲,是《半條命2:浩劫重生》的續作。


  • G-Man:弗里曼博士。我知道現在可能不是交心的好時機,但我要等到你的朋友開始忙碌才能插話。
  • G-Man: Doctor Freeman. I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a heart-to-heart, but I had to wait until your friends were otherwise occupied.
Hm....There was a time they cared nothing for Miss Vance... When their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor. It seems they've grown to share my estimation of her worth.
When I plucked her from Black Mesa, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. I have learned to ignore such naysayers when quelling them was out of the question. Still,I am not one to squander my investments... and I remain confident she was worth far more than the initial...appraisal. That's why I must now... extract... from you... some small repayment owed for your own survival. I'm not asking for anything that goes against your nature. Merely the favor of her continued protection,while she acts as... medium for a message of some importance. See her safely to White Forest, Doctor Freeman. She may require more care than was previously the case. I wish I could do more than keep an eye on you, but I have agreed to abide by certain... restrictions.
Mmm. Well... Now... Listen carefully, my dear. When you see your... father, relay these words: "Prepare for unforeseen consequences."
——第二章 弗地崗短暫的一生(This Vortal Coil)
  • 克萊納博士:我們在「光圈科學」的同儕曾經進行一項有前景的計畫,但他們急著打敗黑色高地取得資金,因此對一般風險標準做出妥協。聽說他們的研究船艦就這麼消失了。突然消失—全都不見了……就連部分的船塢也一起消失了!
  • Dr. Kleiner: Our peers at Aperture Science were at work on a project of some promise, but in their rush to beat Black Mesa for funding, they must have compromised ordinary standards of risk. We heard their research vessel had simply disappeared. Vanished—with all hands... even part of the dry dock!
——第六章 我們共同的敵人(Our Mutual Fiend)



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